How to make a mod sims 4
How to make a mod sims 4

how to make a mod sims 4

Upon installing The Sims 4 Foster Family mod, players can look in their Sim's phone to find the LMS Foster Family Network menu. However, here's a look at a few of the features of Sims 4's Foster Family mod and how to use them. Thorough explanations of features and troubleshooting information can be found on the Foster Family mod page, which is also where players can find instructions on how to install the mod into their Sims 4 game. Related: The Sims 5 Should Add A Modders Store

how to make a mod sims 4 how to make a mod sims 4

The Foster Family Network can be accessed from the phone, and fostered children and pets behave the same as base game children and pets would, making this mod easily accessible and natural-feeling. This Sims 4 mod gives players the option to foster children and pets, raising them until they are adopted into their forever families. While many introduce minor new elements to the game, some provide much bigger changes. The Foster Family mod, made by Sims 4 modder LittleMsSam, is one such mod that adds a refreshing new element to the base game of The Sims 4. Like most of the games in the series, The Sims 4 has inspired a substantial modding community dedicating to creating custom content and gameplay changes for players to mix up their Sims experience.

How to make a mod sims 4